The composition of the wiring of the LCD display and its importance

I. Introduction

TFT display is a common display technology, widely used in various electronic products, such as cell phones, TVs, computers and so on. As one of the important components of LCD display, the wiring plays a key role in connecting the display and the control board. In this article, we will introduce the composition of LCD display wiring and its importance in detail.

Second, the composition of the LCD display wiring

The LCD display cable is mainly composed of the following parts:

  1. Wires: Wires are the basic components of the wiring and are used to transmit electrical energy and signals.The wires of LCD displays are usually made of copper or aluminum wires to reduce resistance and signal loss.
  2. Insulation: Insulation is used to protect wires from short circuits and signal interference. The insulation layer is usually made of polyimide, polyester film and other materials.
  3. Binder: The binder holds the wire in position and protects it from external damage. The binder is usually made of epoxy resin, acrylic and other materials.
  4. Housing: The housing is used to protect the other components of the cable and to ensure the mechanical strength of the cable. The housing is usually made of plastic or metal.

Third, the importance of the LCD display row of wires

TFT display wiring has an important impact on the performance and stability of the display, and its main role is reflected in the following aspects:

  1. Connection function: The cable connects the LCD display with the control board to realize the transmission of power and signal. The quality and connection of the wires directly affect the display effect and stability of the display.
  2. Protection: The insulation layer and shell of the wires play a protective role for the wires to prevent short-circuit and signal interference, thus prolonging the service life of the display.
  3. Maintainability: The setting of the row of wires should take into account the convenience of maintenance. When there is a problem with the display, the row of wires can be easily removed and replaced, reducing maintenance costs.

IV. Lineup design and manufacturing requirements

In order to meet the performance requirements of the LCD display, the design and manufacture of the wiring needs to follow the following requirements:

  1. High reliability: the row of wires should have a high degree of reliability and stability to ensure normal operation for a long time.
  2. Thin and light: In order to meet the needs of portable devices, the cable should be designed to be thin and light in order to reduce the space occupied and improve portability.
  3. High and low temperature resistance: the cable should be able to work normally in a certain range of high and low temperatures to ensure the stability of the display in a variety of environments.
  4. Anti-vibration and shock: The wiring should have a certain anti-vibration and shock ability to cope with possible vibration and shock situations.
  5. Cost-effectiveness: While meeting the performance requirements, the design and manufacture of the cable should also take into account the cost-effectiveness in order to reduce production costs.

V. Conclusion

LCD displayAs a key component connecting the display and control board, the wiring has an important impact on the performance and stability of the display. The composition of the wires includes wires, insulation layer, binder and shell, etc. Its design and manufacture should follow the requirements of high reliability, thin and lightweight, high and low temperature resistance, vibration and shock resistance, and cost-effectiveness. Correct understanding and mastery of the composition of the TFT display wiring and its importance, help to improve the performance and stability of the display, to extend its service life, and provide guidance for the design and production of products.

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