LCD Display Module_What are the advantages of LCD?

Liquid crystal display modules are highly competitive in the market, which is noticed by more and more businessmen. But what are the advantages of this kind of module? Here, ICPC would like to give you an inventory:

  1. LCD module saves power without heating
    Traditional modules are not only very power-consuming, but also generate a lot of heat, which affects the display effect and service life, but the LCD module is different, its energy consumption is very low, almost no power consumption, and will not heat up, so there will be no concentration of high temperature when using, which ensures the service life of the product.
  2. Small and thin body saves installation space.
    LCD modules have a thinner body and are very space efficient when installed and can be used in very small spaces, whereas traditional CRT monitors are very heavy and require enough space to be installed and used, which is not as effective as LCDs.
  3. Low radiation is healthier.
    Nowadays, the production technology of LCD monitors is very high, coupled with a special production process, to ensure that the radiation of this product is very low, there will not be a health threat, for those who have been facing the monitor, it is a very safe and reliable product, will not have an impact on the body, and you can rest assured that the use of bold, long-term use of the people will feel the benefits of it.
  4. Soft display effect, no harm to eyesight
    Traditional monitors have a certain amount of flickering, so there is a relatively large damage to the eyesight, but the LCD monitor is different, it does not flicker at all, the damage to the eyesight is almost zero, and it is made of safe and reliable materials that can change intelligently with the change of brightness.
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