How are tft display images created?

tft displayIt is short for "Thin Film Transistor", which refers to a thin-film liquid crystal display, but actually refers to a thin-film transistor (matrix) - which "actively" controls the individual pixels on the screen, which is where the so-called active matrix TFT comes from. This is the origin of the so-called active matrix TFT (active matrix TFT), which can "actively" control individual pixels on the screen.
  So how exactly is the image generated? Today, ICP DAS will give you a popularization ~ the basic principle is very simple: the display consists of many pixels that can emit any color of light, as long as the control of each pixel to display the corresponding color can achieve the purpose. In TFT LCD generally use backlighting technology, in order to accurately control the color and brightness of each pixel needs to be installed in each pixel after a switch similar to the shutters, when the "shutters" open when the light can come through, and "shutters When the "blinds" are open, light can come through, while the "blinds" are closed, light cannot come through. Of course, the actual realization of the technology is not as simple as just said. LCD (LiquidCrystal Display) is to take advantage of the characteristics of liquid crystal (when heated to liquid, when cooled to crystallize into a solid state).

There are three general liquid crystal forms:
  Clay-like layered (Smectic) liquid crystals
  Filamentous (Nematic) liquid crystals resembling fine matchsticks
  Cholesterol-like (Cholestic) Liquid Crystals
  Liquid crystal display is used in the form of silk, when the external environment changes its molecular structure will also change, so as to have different physical properties - to be able to achieve the purpose of allowing light to pass through or block the light - that is, just compared to the blinds.
  We all know the three primary colors, so the composition of each pixel on the display need to be introduced above the three similar basic components to constitute, respectively, to control the red, green, blue three colors.
  The most common type of TFT display in use today is the Twisted Nematic TFT LCD, and the following diagram explains how this type of TFT display works. There is a wide range of technologies available, which we will cover in more detail in the second part of this article.
  There are grooves on both the upper and lower layers, where the grooves on the upper layer are aligned vertically and those on the lower layer are aligned horizontally. When the liquid crystal is in its natural state without voltage, the light emitted from the light-emitting layer of the Twisted Nematic TFT Display Schematic Operation Principle Diagram Figure 2a Twisted Nematic TFT Display Schematic Operation Principle Diagram passes through the interlayer and is twisted by 90 degrees, so that it can pass through the lower layer without any problem.
  When a voltage is applied between the two layers, an electric field is created, at which point the liquid crystals are aligned vertically, so the light does not twist - the result is that the light cannot pass through the lower layer.
  TFT pixel architecture: Color filters are divided into red, green, and blue according to color, and are arranged sequentially on the glass substrate to form a group (dot pitch) corresponding to a pixel each monochrome filter is called a sub-pixel. In other words, if a TFT display supports a maximum resolution of 1280 × 1024, then at least 1280 × 3 × 1024 sub-pixels and transistors are required. For a 15-inch TFT display (1024 × 768), then a pixel is about 0.0188 inches (equivalent to 0.30mm), and for an 18.1-inch TFT display (1280 × 1024), it is 0.011 inches (equivalent to 0.28mm).
  As you know, the pixel is decisive for the display, the smaller each pixel is, the larger the maximum resolution the display can achieve. However, due to the limitations of the physical characteristics of the transistor, the size of each pixel of the current stage of TFT is basically 0.0117 inches (0.297mm), so for the 15-inch display, the resolution of the maximum only 1280 × 1024.

Information about tft display! Today, I will speak here, there are any questions you can directly consult our official website customer service, customer service can help you answer. If you want to know more about tft display information, you can pay attention to our official website I will continue to update, thank you!

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