MCU interface for small and medium size lcd LCDs

目前小尺寸液晶显示屏常见的接口类型就包括这三种,MUC,SPI,RGB,其中运用 广泛的要数RGB,小尺寸液晶显示屏有功耗低,性能稳定,价格低的特点,有小尺寸液晶显示屏项目需求的,今天介绍泓彩科技,一家专业生产小尺寸液晶显示屏的厂商。

The MCU interface standard name is I80, which is mainly used in the field of microcontroller.
The standard term for the MCU-LCD interface is the 8080 bus standard proposed by Intel.
MCU interface can be divided into 8080 mode and 6800 mode, the main difference between the two is the timing: data bit transfer 8-bit, 9-bit, 16-bit, 18-bit, 24-bit; connected to the line is divided into: CS /, RS (Register Selection), RD /, WR /, the rest of the transmission data line.

Advantage: Simple and convenient control, no clock and synchronization signal required.
Cons: Takes up a lot of GRAM resources, display refresh rate is not enough for resolutions above 480×800.

MCU接口不支持480X800分辨率的液晶显示屏,现在显示屏驱动IC厂家,如联咏NT35510,奕力ILI9806可以支持FULL RAM或1/2 RAM来弥补GRAM资源,480X800分辨率monitorThis is the only way to support the MCU interface and the flip-up display.


MCU接口是目前小尺寸液晶显示屏 常见的接口方式了,一般有8位,16位和18位和24位这几种传输数据位,其操作起来非常简单,也不需要同步数据和时钟,但是比较有局限性,只适合小尺寸液晶显示屏,大尺寸的显示屏就非常少MCU接口的显示屏了。泓彩科技推出了支持3.97寸和4.3寸的480X800分辨率的显示屏。市场有需求,就有解决方案,显示屏驱动IC台湾厂家,如联咏NT35510,奕力ILI9806可以支持FULL RAM或1/2 RAM来弥补GRAM资源,480X800分辨率显示屏,就可以做到支持MCU接口还有翻转显示。联咏NT35510  凌阳OTM8009A   奇景HX8363B     奕力ILI9806以上型号都可以完美解决。

ILI9806 1.Supported Resolution:WVGA 
 2. Can be used with panel technology:a-Si 
 4. RAM or RAMLESS: Full RAM 
 5. Basic input/output voltage: IOVCC=1.65~3.3V; VCI=2.6~3.3V 
 6. Status:MP
NT35510 1.Supported Resolution:WVGA 
 2. Can be used with panel technology:a-Si 
 4. RAM or RAMLESS: 1/2 RAM 
 5. Basic input/output voltage: IOVCC=1.65~3.3V; VCI=2.6~3.3V 
 6. Status:MP

二. SPI小尺寸液晶显示屏


FLASHRAM、A/D转换器以及MCU等。SPI的接口主要还是应用在FLASH、EEPROM、AD转换器,实时时钟,以及数字信号的处理器和数字信号的解码器之间。SPI接口也是目前小尺寸液晶显示屏 常见的接口之一。


RGB接口大家 不陌生,RGB是代表三种通道,R是红色,G是绿色,B是蓝色,除了代表本身的三种颜色以外,还代表他们三者之间进行吞加后得到的颜色,这几乎包括了所有人类肉眼可以识别到的所有颜色,是目前运用 位广泛的接口之一,其优垫也比较突出就是速度快,功耗低等。也是目前小尺寸液晶显示屏 常见的接口。

MCU interface LCD Driver IC with GRAM, Driver IC as a piece of MCU co-processor, accept the Command/Data sent by the MCU, can work relatively independently. For the MCU interface LCD, its internal chip is called LCD driver IC, the main function is the main board sent data/command, transformed into each pixel of the RGB data, so that it is displayed on the screen LCD screen. This process does not require a dot, line, or frame clock.

I(intel) 8080 mode
There are five control pins for I80 mode pins: CS,RS,/WR,/RD RESET
Advantage: Simple and convenient control, no clock and synchronization signal required.
Cons: It takes GRAM resources and can't do more than 480×800 resolution.

M (Motorola) 6800 mode
M6800 mode supports selectable bus width 8/9/16/18-bit (default is 8-bit), its actual design idea is the same as that of I80, the main difference is that the bus control read/write signals of this mode are combined on a single pin (/WR), and a latch signal (E) is added Data bit transmission is available in 8-bit, 9-bit, 16-bit and 18-bit.
The main difference between the MCU interface and the RGB interface is:
MCU interface mode: display data is written to DDRAM, commonly used for static picture display.
RGB interface mode: display data is not written to DDRAM, direct display, fast speed, commonly used for displaying video or animation.

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